The winner of the Clint
Powell People's Choice Award was Robert
Tylor's 1941 Cadillac Fleetwood 60-Special.
This one was the head-turner
of the show. People flocked to this car
and was the run-away show winner.
We have dedicated this
award to Clint Powell.
This show was Clint's
brainchild five years ago and it has grown
from a small gathering of 15 cars to an
coast event.
Without his efforts, all this
would not have been possible. Thank you
Please view the rest
of the prize winners:
Class 1:
1940 - 1959
Class 2:
1960 - 1970
Class 3:
1971 - 1980
Class 4: 1981
- 1990
5: 1991 - Present
Best Old
Best New